What you will learn
The efficacy of Direct Water Capture hinges on one simple principle: if you remove CO2 from water, the water will soak an equivalent amount of CO2 from the air.
But how can we quantify, monitor, verify and report this critical CO2 removal process to ensure we are indeed doing what we’ve set out to do?
In this scientific paper, CarbonBlue’s Dr. Josh Steinberg and leading Hebrew University researchers Prof. Adi Torfstein and Prof. Hezi Gildor discuss Direct Ocean Capture MRV, its challenges, and the modelling and methodologies that will be required to carry it out to the highest scientific and environmental standards.
Diving Deep
Table of contents
Introduction & Motivation
- The role of the oceans in regulating atmospheric CO2 levels
- Understanding the Oceanic Carbon Cycle
- CO2 absorption dynamics
- Air-Sea carbon flux
Modeling the marine carbonate system
- Algorithm
- Results and Sensitivities
- Modeling summary and implications on DOC efficiency
- Validity of no vertical mixing assumption